Friday, 31 May 2013

They Say We Are Free and Colonization is a Thing of the Past...

These are the lyrics of the song of a man I respect alot, a man who is rich in words and believes in integrity rather than money, Beautiful Nubia!
They Say We Are Free and Colonization is a Thing of the Past,
but look around you people time is going by
and we still can't get it right,
they say our land is the home of poverty and disease
and we are treated like second class citizens of the world.
Our leaders run around begging for help,
when the solutions are right here at home with us.
The future of this land is in the hands
of every man and woman,
young and old, everyone of us as we share in the blame for the failure of the society.
See we are still slaves, economically, politically, ideologically.
We're trying to fix things from the top to the ground,
but the way to solve it is from the ground upwards,
lasting change begins at the individual level
everyone deeps in the pot, but no one replenishes.
Have you forgotten the rules!
Without love there can be no true justice and peace.
we must turn our backs on selfishness and greed,
go back to our culture of community, all for one and one for all
not just any man to his own.
We must go back to the land, a nation that cannot feed itself
will always remain SUBSERVIENT to others.
Believe me, we are still slaves to material wealth, religion, and foreign ideas.
This land will be a great place one day,
A place where dream come true,
our hope is in the children,
teach them to love their fellow man
and never to judge any one by the colour of their skin, religion or language,
teach them to be proud of our CULTURE,
 and the values of persevearance, honesty and humility.
Treat every child like your own,
for every child no matter the circumstances of his birth,
is a big hand to this glorious future.
Teach them to be strong in love,
and never never look down on themselves
and also learn to hold their hands up wherever they may go.
Teach the children to sing this song of pride,
let them sing it, loud and clear
Am not ashamed, to be who I am
am not ashamed, am a proud African
am not afraid, am a child of the MOST HIGH.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Music and The Mind, Eternal Relatives.

Music, a pleasant art indeed, so interesting and enjoyable, with its scintillating melody. A beautiful work of art, although not done only with the hands, but also the mouth and other vocal cords. When you talk about music, following suit are the various musical instruments that exists, and make this art more enviable. From the piano, to the guitar, the popular drum set, the harp (King David's favourite), the saxophone, flute and the list is endless. A
blend of these could make a man forget himself.
Virtually every human loves music, different genre anyway. Also music is a lucrative business, with the rapid increase in the number of artiste(s) in Nigeria, ranging from hip-hop, to rock, blues, gospel, e.t.c. Music is really a source of entertainment, whichever genre you love to listen to. It doesn't take long to see a gathering of people who have spent so much, just to watch artistes perform. Some leave their end of the country to another end, to watch artiste perform. 
Yes indeed! Music has got its merits, being a source of entertainment is surely one. Even if you never bought the latest album of Banky W, a Nigerian hip-hop artiste, don't worry, just walk along a street where the album is being sold and played loudly, as common in Nigeria. You only need to do this twice and before you say Jack, you are already humming the tone of the song.
Music and the Mind are so connected and I don't think there will ever be a scientist who would be able to break this connection. It employs two major gateways to the heart, the mouth and the ears, which grants it easy access to the mind. No wonder nursery rhymes are one of the best ways to teach kids.
We all know we need to mind our minds! If you must mind your mind, then you need to mind the music you listen to. Music have a great capacity to pollute the mind. Don't let it!!! In the book An Enemy Called Average by John L. Mason, he wrote "whatever you attach consistently to the words "I am" you will become".
Many music make us attach the words "I am" to things we are particularly not. An example are these lines of lyrics, "ama hustler", "I'm a bad boy", "I'm a good bad boy", don't be surprised if you hustle through life without finding peace or rest. I need not start a lecture on the power of the tongue.
Literally, we wouldn't say such things, but have come to realise that music has a way of getting us to say what we never intended. Music could be a source of distraction. No wonder we have hundreds of thousands of youth who wants to become popular rock stars, and decides to drop out of school as the first step towards acheiving this goal.
We've had enough of rock stars, we want innovators! Don't let the evil one take advantage of you because of the music you listen to. If you wouldn't want something to be found in your life, don't let music be the access to which it finds a foothold in your life. Music is pleasant but it can be a source of distraction.
Permit me to bring in this, music has made a good number of christians lazy, you see people jump up during praises and they are snoring during prayers. When prayer points are been listed in church to be prayed, you find out that some christians sing through out the prayer session, probably looking for a song that connotes each prayer point. I remember the words of a friend of mine, "Praise ain't a time out":
Your mind and music have been married eternally. Don't let music destroy your mind and your life!


This was the topic of my first "Talk Session with Akinwumi", which took place at Junior Secondary School, Oke-Ose in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria.
This is a topic that so interest me, because my experience as a teenage girl in the Nigeria society was a wonderful one, the age range of teenagers, is between 15 and 18, although we are fast regarding an eighteen years old as an adult, considering her rights to vote and other privileges.
The teenage girl in the Nigerian society is vibrant, all temperaments aside, she's smart, and soon notices two small things protruding on her chest and lots of other puberty changes. The teenage girl is so prone to societal vices. The consciousness of becoming a big girl, as they are popularly regarded, can do alot of harm to their being. She wants to say all that crosses her mind, every guy that winks at her, and she calls attention at the slightest opportunity.
She's distracted by the Barbies(s), the High School Musical albums, the Salsa dance classes, the Ballet dances and outfits and probably want to become a ballerina too. She wants to have all that are peers have and therefore prone to mistakes. This is why teenagers have all the acts of sex and sexual intercourse, it has become so rampant in our society and our wrong and misguided definition of freedom won't help matters. The things that contribute to this decadence are what they watch, especially the television, what was intended to be a major source of information and entertainment, as rather put our teens in shackles of destruction and detained them therein. The movies they watch also contributes largely to these societal mess.
Teenagers want to put into practice what they have seen in the movies, they want to dress like the movie stars, they want to borrow the language of communication used in the movies. Another source of these vices are their parents, parents who exchange words in hot arguments, parents who have forgotten they are the first role models given to these teens by God.

That's why a teenage girl can lecture her parents on sex, even before they deem her fit for sex education. The teenage girl that is supposed to be prepared as a weapon for the nation, has messed up her mind, her body, her thoughts at a tender age. I have come to believe that there is no age too young to give a girl child sex education, considering the environment she's growing up, just at the time when she is beginning to think that the two small balls in front of her chest are the first of its kind.
We have enough teenage girls with the wrong mindset in our nation, make it your duty to speak to every teenage girl around you, especially the ones going astray. Don't let them mess themselves before you speak to them. If you are a parent, learn the rules of parenting, don't be a wrong model for your child. I will end this post with the words of one of my mothers, Rev'd (Mrs). Oyenike Areogun "I am still waiting for the first couple who never kissed until their marriage ".

Saturday, 25 May 2013

A Better Law

A Better Law
A better law? When our Lord Jesus Christ have abolished the law! This is the mindset of most Christians, who promptly declare we are in the era of grace and not Law and quickly quote Galatians 5:18,''but if you are led by the spirit, you are not under law''.

You remember Matthew 5:17-25? In particular verse 17, ''Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them Christ ended the law,but did not abolish them, he ended the law to give us a better life in the spirit, which is the provision of grace.

He did end the law to our benefits, to a greater access to him, instead of making sacrifices of goats and other animals everyday of the week at Sobi hills in Kwara State or Idanre hills in Ondo State, in the contemporary Nigeria. He saved us from this stress, because he knew that the swoosh of traffic in Nigeria is increasing day in day out, and you may likely require another sacrifice for cursing a taxi driver before getting to your intended destination.

He that knows the end from the beginning understands that there would be scarcity of animals in the world, if we were left to live by law, so instead of covering our iniquities with the blood of animals, he decided to grant us a better privilege, an exfoliating one at that, which will rather cleanse our iniquity and eliminate the rancid smell that our sinful life produce.

Like the story of the woman whom the Jewish people,teachers of the law and pharisees were gunning for at the temple courts for an act of adultery, when Jesus stepped in, he didn't ask if she could afford sacrifices, he said '' he that is without sin should be the first to cast a stone, and when her accuser had gone away, Jesus told the woman, go and sin no more John 8:3-11. Now that is much more grace, grace unlimited is what I call it.

But we are in a generation where this end of law is being abused thoroughly. That young lady in the medical school, dare not put on any trash to the ward for mere ward posting, but would conveniently put on an eye provoking dress to church next Sunday. You see it is the Lord that ended the law that deserves trash! Same way that beautiful law student can't just appear in any form of black and white outfit in the law school, but she's scantily dressed in church the coming sunday. 

In some institutions, law students are not even permitted to participate in beauty pageantry, but in the church of grace today you find beauty pageantry been organized, comparing the beautiful ones abi? 
When the bible says comparism is a game for fools.

It is in church all the compromise is made! We have abused this grace enough, we have insinuated that grace and a licence to dress indecently are the same.

Stop abusing this freedom. Grace is only a better law!