There was Rita and Adebola on the cushion naked, caressing themselves. As much as Rita had avoided the practise in her house, she couldn’t help it that day when Adebola visited, she was engrossed in the action that she didn’t notice when Richard drove in and used his keys.
“Sweetheart! Rita!” He shouted. Rita gained her consciousness, she gasped and looked for her clothe on the floor.
“Yesss” She dragged. The deed was done, someone eventually found out their dirty secret, not just anybody but her husband.
“What is it you are doing?” Richard shut the door behind him. “I am sorry.” She managed to say as she wore her clothe.
Adebola couldn’t face him as she wore her clothe hurriedly as if she was going to tear them, she felt more ashamed at the fact that another man saw her nakedness. She picked her bag and hurried for the door, she wanted to disappear into the thin air as quick as possible. It was a show of shame.
“And where exactly do you think you are going to?” Richard who still stood at the door said in his masculine voice.
“Go back and have your seat, you this shameless woman. You come around here and visit us, and there I am thinking you are a decent woman, you don’t even wear trousers, which made me quickly conclude that you are an appropriate woman, and meanwhile you are dirtier than dirt itself.”
The two women were shaking on the chair they sat with their heads bowed, nemesis had finally caught up with them.
“Rita! If someone had told me you could this, I would blatantly disagree, I would even bet it on my life. I now understand why I met you un-deflowered, it was just your hymen that wasn’t broken, but your mind was already deflowered and polluted.” Richard walked around the sitting-room; he had dropped his jacket and his bag on one of the chairs.
“I thought you knew all about the virtuous women in the bible, why did you fall short of one?” His words pierced their hearts, he wouldn’t let them go out of the house and find solace in a serene environment.
“Rita, the Pastor’s daughter! Yet you sing hymns in church with this dirty life of yours. Rita! You, a lesbian! Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”
He marched around the sitting room, dazed and breathing heavily, he wished someone could wake him up from the nightmare, he was a handsome man, tall and stout, he wore a ruffled blue shirt, he was a portrait of a gentleman, but today he spoke out of his usual self.
“Why didn’t you even let a man deflower you? At least that would be more honourable than this shameful thing you do.”
Rita’s eyes gleamed with intensity, almost as if tears might be clouding them.
“So each time they called those who have been involved in sexual sins before in church you don’t raise your hands, but rather sit back like an angel.”
“When I asked about your past, why didn’t you tell me about it, at least we would have worked on it together, or sorry it’s not even in the past yet, it is still your present.” He shouted.
The women adjusted on their seats as they sobbed.
“Maybe I should ask, when did this started and how many partners do you have?” He pulled a stool to seat on. Rita managed to draw in a breath as tears drifted down her cheek.
“Just one, she‘s the only one.” Rita responded as if the fact that it was just one partner she was involved with justified her in anyway.
“And when did you start?” Rita knew this was going to cut Richard deep. “S.S.S. 2” She muttered without raising her head.
“S.S.S. 2!” He exclaimed as, that seems to be the part that shocked him most.
“You mean since secondary school?” “Ye---sss”
Richard Reynolds stood to his feet at once.
“Jesus Christ!”
“That’s close to ten years now.” He said. “You mean no one ever caught you in the act, or were you corrected and still went on?” He probed.
Rita replied amidst tears, “We were never caught, except for our final year in secondary school when one of my friends was caught and we were warned against it, but I felt I was smarter than her then.”
“I see, indeed you are smarter than her. If she yielded to the correction and stopped, today she would be grateful she was caught early before it destroyed her life, you came this far because you were not caught.”
Adebola was abruptly silent where she sat with bowed head.
“Even the scripture says he that covereth his sin shall not prosper. Have you forgotten the devil’s major strength is your shady secrets? He would do his best that it never sees the light of the word of God.”
“No wonder you act awkwardly in bed.” He didn’t care about Adebola’s presence.
Rita could see her husband’s internal pain in the way his head crinkled and the tense lines that ran across his face.
“Now that you are almost ten years-old as a lesbian, I think you should share the testimony in church next Sunday, or even hold a thanksgiving service.”
Rita shook her head.
Richard continued to kick them hard with his words, “you should know that whatever you cannot walk up to the altar of the Lord to share as a testimony that you do in your secret place, is a sin, whether you admit it or not. Or can we start announcing that my wife is a lesbian and you will feel convenient about it?” He wasn’t expecting a reply.
“Even the scriptures recorded in the book of Romans chapter one, and verse twenty-six, that because of these, God gave them over to shameful lusts, even the women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Didn’t you see how God regarded this unholy act of yours in verse twenty-four, he said ‘for the degrading of their bodies with one another.”
He spoke towards Adebola’s direction now. “Thank you for almost destroying my wife’s body. I pray God forgives you in due time. I advise you see your pastor, before the devil pollute the remaining part of your dough.”
Adebola shamefully walked out of their home fingering her unpacked hair with her head still bowed.
Richard pulled the stool he sat on closer to his wife and raised her face with his arms.
“I must say again that I am highly disappointed in you, the devil wants to destroy your life and destiny, but we will not let him. Is that ok?”
Rita nodded; Richard had been praying that God should block every loop hole for the devil in their family since he noticed his wife’s incessant slim interest for sex. Instead of picking a fight with her like most men would have done or start satisfying himself with a cheap caring secretary, since it was simply the wife’s fault, he went on his knees to pray for her, and now that God had exposed the evil of the enemy, he wasn’t going to destroy his home.
“So these are your options; we will go and report you to the pastor so that he can pray for you and you must be ready to face the consequence which is likely to be a suspension from the Avalanche- which was how they referred to the Choir. Or you pack out of my house and go and marry Debola.” He gave the second option to threaten her.
Rita knew divorce was not an option, she had given her life to Christ while she was in the university, but she was not yet working in the reality of the new life, she had not dealt with this sin that now almost dealt with her in marriage because she was good at keeping it a secret.
Rita knelt down and apologized sincerely, she was ashamed of herself, she wished she had been chastised earlier, maybe she would not have gone this far, but thank God she married a strong man. She readily embraced the first option.
God didn’t create us MALE and MALE, or FEMALE and FEMALE, but MALE and FEMALE.
…………………..The end…………………….