It’s been two months since Felix proposed to
her, she had struggled with the thought on several occasions but she couldn’t
help herself, she lost concentration at work, the school principal called her
to her office to ask what was wrong, but she claimed everything was alright, when
the principal realized that there were no changes, she reported to the Reverend
Mother in charge of the convent in the school, nevertheless she was at sea about
the situation.
“Come right in dear,” Juliet answered from where
she laid. “Good afternoon,” Veronica said as she shut the door behind her, “afternoon,
and how are you?” said Juliet on her feet opening her arms for a hug, Veronica
received the hug with a down-cast face. “Good to see you, “Juliet said as they
both settled on the mattress.
“How has it been at your work place?” Juliet
asked, “It’s been splendid, thank you.” Juliet noticed her troubled face. “What
is wrong Veronica? Why do you look troubled?” Veronica adjusted on the mattress
and reached for the pillow.
“I am fine,” she said bowing her heads, “that’s
a stereotyped answer you know, you don’t look fine. So, girl tell me what it
is,” Juliet moved closer to her, Veronica started to say, “it’s about Felix”
she dragged. “So what is it about him?” Juliet tried to cuddle her into her
embrace, “ermm ermm,” she dragged again. “Ermmm what? Or have you gotten over that
erroneous feeling you had for him?” This made it more difficult for Veronica to
speak, erroneous is what you call what
has cost me sleepless nights for months now! She thought.
“Felix proposed to me!” She said looking
elsewhere as quick as possible, “what! Didn’t you tell him you are a nun; I
mean you are a Reverend Sister for Christ sake!” “I did, in fact, he has seen
me in Nun`s robe before, but he asked me to make a compromise for him,”
Veronica said as if tears might be clouding her eyes.
“That’s serious, what sort of compromise is
that? That is simply too grave.” Then she took a minute or two before she spoke
again, looking into her friend’s eyes, she saw the tears that clouded them, she
knew Veronica was in love with Felix, she knew what it means to be in love, and
so she understood how Veronica felt.
“Okay, let me ask you, what exactly do you
want,” Veronica raised her head, with tears dripping down her cheeks, “I love
him, I have lost my concentration for months, I can’t help it, but I fear what
people would say; that I am not bold enough to keep my allegiance to
Christ.” Juliet removed a handkerchief
from her bedside, pulled her unto herself and wiped her tears. “
Dear, one key to failure that I am sure
of is trying to please everyone, your joy is what matter most to you, much
more than that of the Abbess of your nunnery, it matters more than the joy of
the other Reverend Sisters, I am not a Reverend Sister because I have the
capacity to have sexual desires, celibates are those who have the God-given
gift to live above their emotions for the opposite sex, they don’t struggle like
you are doing now.”
Veronica had stopped crying, “so, if you love
Felix and you want to be married to him, why not? Instead of losing your
concentration over what God would be happy about, why not accept his proposal!”
Veronica adjusted and moved out of her embrace, “but I have told him it’s not
possible,” she answered, “that’s no big deal, if he really loves you he will
give you some more time.” “Alright then,” Veronica drank some of the water she
was served earlier, Juliet added, “and when he comes back to you, tell him how
you feel, let love flow in your heart unhindered, it’s God`s gift to man and
shouldn’t be a thorn in the flesh, if you have love in your bowels, then spill
it out and don’t die in silence.” “Thank you dear friend” Veronica answered
with a smile.
“Morning, I’m fine, thank you,” she answered
her caller with a blush,” she still had her towel wrapped around her; she just
finished from the bathroom. Felix said a lot of things and eventually mentioned
his proposal to her. She was more relaxed over the phone this time, “well it’s
not like you are not a good man or something like that, it’s just that…”
Felix quickly took over from where she
dragged, “what if we talk about it over lunch? Would that be fine by you?”
Veronica quickly embraced the opportunity, “alright then, yes 1pm is fine by
me” joy filled her mind as she ended the call. She sang a song that came to her
mind. She sat on the mattress to moisturize her body; she became so eager about
the appointment.
She entered the restaurant exactly the time
they had agreed, Felix was not there, she sat in there at her choice table,
looking around, just as she looked through the glass door, she noticed exactly
the same image that had caused her heart to tremble. There was a tingling in
her belly; she adjusted herself in her chair, and looked away so that he could
look around for her.
There she found her, Veronica inhaled a deep
breath as he marched towards her, (where
was this well built handsome man when I took my oath of allegiance, did Jesus
ever knew I would meet such a handsome man as this when he let me swore that
oath of chastity?) “Good afternoon Veronica,” his voice vibrated and called
back her attention.
“Afternoon, you were behind schedule,” she
said. “Well, I was here before now, I went to get something, I am sorry I
kept you waiting,” he settled on the chair opposite her. “It’s alright then,” Felix
raised a lot of issues, politics, life and lots more, Veronica feared that he
might never mentioned what she wanted to hear. “Veronica, you know life is
beautiful,” Veronica muttered beneath her breath, (yes I know it is; if only you would ask me again, please ask me)
Felix spoke on subjects, different from what
she expected, Veronica began to mutter,’ Holy
Mary Mother of God, is this a way of punishing me for my attempt to break my allegiance,
please let it not be’ Veronica sat in there staring at Felix has he spoke,
depression was quick to settle over her, how everything could rapidly fade into
the deep deep dark chasm of no return Veronica had no idea,
didn’t he say we are going to talk about this over lunch, so why is there no
mention of it now during lunch, now that she had nurtured a desire to be
with him.
Veronica decided to take the bold step, “if I
may ask, what do you desire now that would make life more beautiful to you?”
Felix answered with a smile, “a lot of things my dear, but more importantly to
express my love to someone I am endeared to,” Veronica quickly grabbed the
opportunity, “why not go ahead and express it?” Felix enjoyed the line the
discussion towed, “yes I love to, but she has denied me this rare privilege,”
they acted just like in the movies, Veronica replied, “but a ‘No’ doesn’t mean
‘Never’” Felix said, “ I agree, maybe I should ask again, dearest Veronica I
want you to be the love-----“

Veronica eventually summoned the courage to
speak to Reverend Mother about Felix, and Reverend Mother asked her to return
after a week with the young man in question.
“Please have your seats,” Reverend Mother
offered, “thank you Mother,” they said in unison as they settled in their
seats. Reverend Mother started to speak, “I presume this is the man that wants
to make you break your allegiance to Jesus Christ?” Felix was almost furious
with the Reverend Mother’s words. “I beg your pardon Mother.”
She didn’t care but spoke on, “yes Mr. Man,
that is exactly what you want her to do, isn’t it?” “Mother, I have only said I
love her, I haven’t stopped her from serving Jesus!” Felix said back.“I see,
you have only said you love her and intend to marry her isn’t it? Don’t you
know she has been married to Jesus and has pledged her allegiance to him?”
Reverend Mother said in her defense. Felix spoke fiercely now, “I am sorry, but
did Jesus Christ ever demanded HUMAN WIVES in the first place?”
“Mr. Man if you don’t speak respectfully here,
I will show you the door,” she said on her feet. Veronica fidgeted on her seat,
this was what she feared, it was a battle of the soul, they had to fight it,
Reverend Mother spoke towards her direction, “Okay since Sister Veronica here
is not firm enough to take her stand for the Lord Jesus Christ, I don’t know
what to say now, but I will give you both two months to go and think about this
decision of yours properly, because I wonder why it is a nun that appeals to
you of all the ladies in this world.