Friday, 24 July 2015


Over the years and more recently I have watched and heard creativity as it brings melody to my heart. There are lots of awesome talents and gifts within the body of Christ.

God gave us GIFTS to ease our journeys in life. I stumbled on a very old record of Dr Bola Are and I agreed the costumes in the video are primitive now, but these music did liven our spirit as we carried out our daily assignments years ago.
Image result for gifts

GIFTS are meant to make our spiritual walk worthwhile, but they are not the underlying substance. I will encourage you to seek the face of God and stay in a spiritually sensitive zone enough so that you can find where you have that unique anointing. I have been privileged to put pen to paper a number of times, for me, it is a lot of hard-work to write subjects outside the Christian circle. I just find it more difficult. No matter how much opinion I have on a subject I still find it awesome when I read another writer put the same subject in another context.

However, GIFTS are not the central focus of our calling as Believers. The starting point is salvation, sobriety, vigilance and lots more.

The problem with some denominations is that they accentuate GIFTS than necessary. I watched with keen interest as a woman led deep “Alujo” Christian Hip-hop or whatever it is tagged in a particular Church simply because it was a harvest ceremony and the whole place was filled with sheets of dollars.
It is okay if we have it happen in a party using godly songs to enjoy a birthday ceremony and the likes, but I am worried about how it is supposed to be a Church event.

I appreciate GIFTS, no matter how un-nurtured, but that is not the underlying reason of Jesus’ walk to Golgotha.

God has given us GIFTS to make our race swifter and sweeter but that’s not the fundamental basis for our Christian calling. Don’t get unnecessarily obsessed about your or other’s gifts, DO THE CARRIER OF THE GIFTS HAVE THE LIFE OF HOLINESS?

Friday, 10 July 2015

Qualities that should wear the mortarboards

Leke Alder was not wrong when he insinuated that qualifications are not needed in making some momentous decisions.  

We live in a world where success is weighed by the content of your resume, how many degrees you have bagged and in what field you have them. At least I have an O'level before you think I am no achiever. But I think success can be overrated sometimes. We celebrate the number of caps people have and judge them by the resulting numerics, even when some of the people wearing the caps are beasts. People rarely address others as that meek man but that engineer. However, I understand that caps are a source of motivation.

The world also recognise you by your outlook. Before you stare at my chest too closely I am gonna refer you to my elder Sister who harbours the rests for me, so I can dialogue with serious minded people.
Image result for mortar board
In the real sense, I think these are not the only pertinent things that make the world go around. My house-mate is having her master in business administration, but we do not always talk about strategic foresight,  or management or econometrics,  even when our courses have close relation.
You can’t live on staring at people's physical outlook everyday. They are contributions but they are not underlying.

I think tolerance,  respect and regard for others are what keeps the world going. If you always defeat Others with the words of your mouth, you are a weakling in the true sense.
Forgiveness will always be stronger than revenge. Staying polite always prove more masculinity than rudeness. If our parents did not do too well at passing down these training to us, we should learn them in church or from mentors steadfastly.

Albeit,  I am not the very best yet, I am not where I used to be.
Friends and families have taught me that until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,  the things that will sustain humanity and keep the world functioning appropriately are the soft qualities and character that really do not wear the caps and mortarboards.