“Were you not
the one that told me God spoke to your heart?? Pastor Chris said aloud.
“Yes, I thought
I heard God concerning her, because I admire her a lot.” Dennis replied
“Are you telling
me that as spiritual as you are, you don’t have a discerning spirit? Are you
saying you can’t differentiate between a feeling and a knowing? Don’t you know
when God is giving you an instruction? You stand here and tell me because you
admire her. When there are millions of people you will still admire.”
“Brother Dennis
I must confess you really disappointed me.”
“Pastor, I am
sorry if I disappointed you, but I am very sure I can’t marry her.” Dennis said
“Will you have
your seat this minute?” Pastor Chris shouted at him, as he was seated while
Dennis paced around.
“Were you
intending to toy with her heart?”
Moreover you
should know better. I asked you to pray about it well enough, but you always
run back to tell me you were convinced quickly. Do we say you are confused now?
Pastor Chris said on.
“I don’t know Sir.
I really love her, just that I wasn’t expecting this from her. Pastor she
should have told me. She should have.” Dennis blurted out.
“But she did, if
she didn’t how did you know? Pastor asked.
“I mean
earlier.” He said almost immediately.
“Brother Dennis
I will ask you to go and pray and seek the face of the Lord. Everything seems
tense now. I need you to take time out to fast and pray properly. Go and sleep
over it. Is that Ok? The Pastor said finally.
“”Yes Sir, I
will, but my mind is made up. I am no longer interested in the relationship.”
Dennis replied.
They both prayed
afterwards and Dennis left the Pastor’s office with a heavy heart.
Pastor Chris
knew Tara’s story thoroughly, he knew all about her past, that was why he asked
Dennis to pray some more. It was not his position to relay the story to Dennis,
but he did his best by asking him to be double sure. But since Dennis said he
was convinced, he would not stop Tara from moving on.
“Charles, can
you imagine? A barren woman? How on earth could Pastor Chris still insist I go
ahead with the relationship?”
Charles sat calmly
in the chair in his friend’s apartment.
Dennis had
called Charles to come over to his place right away, when he returned from the
Pastor’s place. Dennis busted out immediately Charles arrived on how Pastor
asked him to continue with the relationship. He narrated all Omotara said to
him, her past and everything else. Charles sat quietly for a moment before he
could say anything. He also didn’t expect it from Tara, the very polite Sister.
He really didn’t know what to advise him.
“Dennis but I
thought you said God spoke to your heart about her” Charles said at last, just
like the Pastor had said.
“So I thought,
because each time her name came to my mind. There was a deep longing for her
presence. I always found exceptional joy in my heart anytime I set my eyes on
her.” Dennis said.
Charles stared
at Dennis intently. He was quite shocked at the whole situation, most
especially the things he said now. From Dennis’ words, he knew he was only
attracted to her physically. He knew there was no clear instruction from God
like Dennis claimed.
Now that the
matter had gone this far, when everybody in Church was already aware of their
relationship, he just couldn’t advise his friend on anything in particular.
“Dennis I guess
you have to continue with the relationship.” Charles said.
“Did you just
say that with your mouth?” Dennis screamed.
“Yes I just did,
you will have to believe God for a miracle. Moreover who declared her barren?
You! Are you God? What makes you think God cannot take your life before the marriage?
Or how are you so sure you will have a child even if you married a virgin.”
Charles said frantically.
“Bro you don’t need
to curse me now. Am your friend here you know?”
“Yes and Omotara
is also a Sister. You are going have to apply faith. You just have to step into
a higher level of faith concerning this matter. A faith that doesn’t pay
attention, to the physical evidences around.”
Dennis flashed a
hot gaze at Charles as he dropped the lines. He knew all about the faith talk
but it was more difficult to practice now.
“Dennis there is
a God of the middle of the road.”
Dennis’ gaze
still focused on Charles, why was he turning the discussion to a sermon?
Dennis acted more
convinced not to marry her now than he was to propose to her in the first
“The God that is
present when where you are coming from is so far, that you cannot return, and
where you are going is not yet in view.”
Dennis answered
almost quickly, “Charles I am not in the middle of the road yet, and I don’t
want to get there before I change my mind.”
continued with what Dennis had now termed a sermon.
“If God really asked you to be in this relationship,
then you are already in the middle of the road, so believe God. He is the God
that shows up when the storm shows up. Don’t forget that he doesn’t lie, he
doesn’t fail, and he can’t change his mind. You just need to activate the
potency of your faith, you don’t need to see the whole stairways, just take a
“If you really
love her, then don’t bring Thomas’ faith for Abraham’s blessings.” He said
referring to the scriptures.
Dennis shouted
at once. “Charles are you beginning to preach now?”
“Yes if that’s
what you need. I’m scared your faith is very low, with the way you talk as
regards this matter, and you may never be able to cross over. I mean have you
prayed about it as much as you’ve talked about it?” Charles asked.
“Exactly! My
faith is not enough to make me pull through it.” Dennis remarked standing to
his feet, as the atmosphere got tenser.
“And do you say
that with pride? Anyway, it’s ok; take your time, after all it’s your life.”
Charles said finally.
“Now you are
talking.” He ended.
Charles was not
satisfied with the conclusion, but he couldn’t push him too hard.
“Jasmine tell me
it’s not true, tell me you didn’t just say that.” Tell me you are kidding after
all.” Alexander blurted out.
He was close to
tears, as Jasmine announced that she was not interested in the relationship
“I’m sorry
Alexander, I love you but I can’t continue with the relationship. I am sorry
dear. I pray you get a better spouse.” Jasmine said as she walked out of the
door of Alexander’s apartment.
It can be very
funny when people end a relationship, and they still say they love the person.
If you love the person enough, you wouldn’t leave.
Alexander was
becoming wearied over his love life. This was his fifth relationship in a row.
Every of the four before Jasmine had a different reason to leave him. He showed
them all care, love and affection, but wondered what more they wanted.
Then it was
Jasmine, he proposed to her like every other ones before her, a few months ago
and she had come today to quit the relationship. Five relationships in less than
two years.
attended the same church with Omotara and Dennis, God’s Grace Bible Ministries.
Although not a worker in the church, he served God committedly.
God had spoken
to him that Omotara would be his wife in destiny, although there would be complications
in the beginning, he would pull them through.
But it seemed it
was only the word complication he heard in the instruction. He seemed to
magnify the complicated part of the instruction than the Promise in the
instruction. He neglected the fact that God promised to pull them through.
Moreover how could the very committed, Sister Tara marry a less spiritual
Brother like himself, he thought.
So he moved on
to date his choice ladies, now with five in a row and none seems to work out,
he knew God was not going to let the case lie until he carried out his
He prayed about
each of the five relationships he went into, although he did not find peace he
still continued. He knew he needed to see the Pastor, but he was of the kind of
people that felt the Pastor had enough burdens, to add his to them.
After five
relationships down the drain, He knew he had to return to God’s instruction.
He had always
been a friend to Omotara, but the fact that he wasn’t a worker reduced their
opportunity to relate more. Omotara had implored him to become a worker in the
church several times. He was virtually committed and serious with God than some
workers. Omotara always called him a non-working worker.
He liked it when
Omotara spoke to him, he found peace in his heart when she encouraged him, but
the devil had zoomed out the complications God spoke about than God’s promise
in the situation
He decided to
retrace his steps to the will of God for him. Now that he understands that
there is nothing as difficult as what God is not involved in.
He made up his
mind not to pursue any more relationship.
He would rather
return to what God commanded him rather than stay unmarried.
Alexander did
not wait to get too familiar with Omotara, since he felt it was God that had
laid it on his mind, that she would be his wife. He felt if it was God, he would
complete the assignment.
He was already a
master at proposing, five times now, he knew the trick. She had always liked
Omotara, she was the in the top ten list of any Brother in the church. Soft
spoken, and fervent in the spirit. She had no unnecessary reservations towards
nobody. What he liked most was the fact that she related with everyone, Greek,
Jew, or Gentile in a polite way. The devil who is a master at distracting men
from fulfilling purpose had helped Alexander to waste his time and resources on
other Sisters, performing trial and error, which is one of the painful things a
serious Christian, can do to himself.
Alexander should
have tarried enough with God, to know that if it was God’s instruction, then it
becomes God’s case, and the devil cannot work on it at all, but the devil would
try to work on him.
Now he was going
to do God’s will, whether it would be complicated or God sees him through, his
mind was made up.
“Sister Omotara,
I will be waiting for you in the children’s church.” Alexander said to her
after greeting her and telling her his intention to see her.
It was a Sunday service
at God’s Grace Bible Ministries.
Omotara greeted
a few people after the service, what was usually referred to as fellowship
after fellowship. She had not heard from Dennis ever since that day, but what
was more important was that he had said that there was no problem. She hurried
to tell Dennis to wait for him, that she wanted to see someone.
“Thanks for acknowledging
my call. God bless you ma.” Alexander said as Omotara tried to settle in a
plastic chair beside him, in the children hall of God’s Grace Bible ministries.
“You are
welcome.” She settled down.
I am just going
to go straight to the point.” Alex
adjusted on his chair, although he had done this several times, but each time
was a different challenge on its own.
“Thank you that
would be better. My fiancé would be waiting for me.”
Alexander was
struck by the mention of her fiancé, so she’s engaged already but why wouldn’t
God let him be then. He was discouraged, but he wanted to be sure, maybe he
didn’t hear properly.
He forged ahead.
“God spoke to me
over a year ago that you are his choice for me in marriage, but I didn’t take
him serious. Every relationship I tried never worked out. I am sorry that it
took me so long. More than that I have always admired you, I have found peace
in my heart towards you. Please Omotara, let’s fulfil God’s mandate on earth
together. I love you and want you to be my wife.”
Ever since Alexander
started yielding to God and began to pray about Tara, her love had suddenly
overwhelmed him, it was a short while though, but her love spread like a
Alexander sat in
there waiting for her to say something. It was not like the popular, usual,
romantic approach in a restaurant, with a ring in the guy’s hand, and his knees
bowed to the ground. Alex didn’t bring a ring along. He had had enough of that.
This time he meant business. It was either she agrees or God finds another way
out for him.
Omotara smiled
before she uttered a word. She didn’t know that was what he wanted to say, but
she knew that there were several Brothers in Church who were always led by the
spirit of God to ten Sisters at the same time.
“I’m sorry Brother
Alex, I like and admire you, but you have refused to yield to my request from
you to become a worker.” She teased.
“More seriously,
I would have loved to consider you request, but I am already in a relationship,
and our God is not an author of confusion, you know.” She confirmed Alexander’s
“Oh!” Alexander
jolted. He felt confused, but he was sure to have heard her name in his spirit several
Now that he had
carried out God’s instruction, he felt he was free at last. It was up to God to
move in the situation if he wanted them to come together. Although he felt a
little embarrassed by the answer he received, but he shook it off.
“Alright then, I
think God knows best for both of us. I would love you to pray about it. Once again
thanks for granting me audience. Do enjoy the rest of your day.” Alexander
stood to his feet.
“Thank you more.
I need to run to my fiancé. Bye.”
Alex waited for
Omotara to walk ahead. He had carried out his part of the instruction, and now
that she is engaged already, God should at least let his next relationship work.
Tara hurried off
to look for her love. She reminisced on Alexander as she walked away; she knew
there were several confused Brothers in the congregation, receiving several
visions at the same time to different sisters, in the same Church, she felt
Alexander was one of them.
Maybe because he had tried out several relationships
and they didn’t work out, he thought he could end up with her. Anyway she had
played her role of been a polite lady well.
She searched
everywhere for Dennis, but he was gone. Dennis had not broken the news to her
yet, that he was no longer interested in their relationship, but he had been avoiding
her since that day. He felt sooner or later she should understand the distance.
Meanwhile Omotara
had held on to his last words, that since God had forgiven her, then that was
all. She gave Alexander a NO innocently and politely because of this.
……………………………To be

I have just removed the restriction on comments, you should be able to comment now. Thank you always.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait 2 end this story, its nt just a story bt a lesson 2 everyone. God bless u, pls keep it up sister. Did u attend fggc akure?
ReplyDeleteThank you dear, yes I did! Thank you for your comments. It keeps me going.
Deleteit appears that d convinced end been d confused, Holy God guide us let us not be misguided by our wants and feelings.
ReplyDeleteAmen! I guess so too.
Deleteit appears that the convinced happend to be confuse atimes, Holy God guide us, let us not be misguided by our feelings.
ReplyDeleteGod bless u dear.......can't wait to see d end of this story!!!!
ReplyDeleteBig lesson for everyone
Thank you dear.
DeleteTo b led by God is one thing,2 obey d instruction is anoda thing....Hol Spirit help us...Luv ur ryt ups...God elp u(amen)
ReplyDeleteYes I totally agree... Thank you.