“Turn your
bibles with me to the book of Romans 8:28.” The minister said, he wiped the
sweat on his face with his handkerchief.
Someone from the
congregation read aloud
“And we know
that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are
called according to the will of God.”
“I will like you
to turn this verse of the scriptures to a prayer that all things will work
together for your good. Whatever it is you have been waiting upon the Lord for,
go ahead and mention it in prayers.” The Minister said aloud as the congregation
raised their voices in prayer.
“Sister Nonso
prayed hard.”
Chinonso was in her
late twenties, twenty-eight to be precise, and she was still unengaged to any
Brother, none was forth coming. Her prayer point had suddenly become God's
provision of Life-partner for more than two years now.
Now that the
minister asked them to pray that all things work together for their good, she
had turned it to her usual prayer point. ‘Lord please bring me my
Akubueze was a committed steward in the Church she attended. She was an
outspoken person which made people regarded her as a lousy person, she was fast
to express her opinion on any issue, which made some people to dislike her.
Sometimes she prayed that people would love her more, she even pretended to be
a quiet person a number of times, but it didn’t work as she couldn’t cheat on
nature. Nevertheless,
everyone liked her caring and open attitude, she was quick to notice a
down-casted brother, and would not stop at inquiring what the problem was.
God spoke to her
heart just as the prayer session ended, that she should approach the brother
that was seated directly in front of her.
“Good afternoon
Ma.” The Brother replied politely.
“My name is…”
Chinonso wanted to say as Chijioke finished the line.
“Chinonso, am I
right?” Chijioke said.
“Yes, you know
my name?” Chinonso said surprised.
“But I don’t
know yours.” Nonso continued.
“Who doesn’t?
Anyway my name is Chijioke.” He answered.
“Oh what a nice
name. Anyway the Holy Spirit asked me to walk up to you.” Chinonso informed
“Really?” He
said surprised.
“Yes Brother
Chijioke.” Nonso responded trying to be as polite as possible, she felt this
was most likely the will of God for her.
“Anyway whatever
it is the Lord would reveal sooner or later.” Chijioke said.
“Yes I agree.”
She replied.
“Alright thank
you for yielding to the Holy Spirit. Take care of yourself Ma.” Chijioke
entered his car.
Nonso returned
to the Church building to look for Ebuka her friend. They both lived together
in a two-bedroom flat, they always walked home together since they attended the
same church. They were colleagues at Denster Microfinance Bank.
She searched
around the building, but Ebuka was gone.
She decided to
walk home alone, as she walked she thought on why God would have ask her to
speak to a Brother she never knew. Maybe she was beginning to receive answers
to her prayers at last; she thought probably Chijioke was God’s will for her
after all.
As she walked
home she expressed in faith repeatedly, “I receive him in Jesus name.”
She was glad at
what happened. She hurried home to give the news to her friend.
Chinonso dropped
her bag as she entered the living room and hurriedly mutter a few prayers. Once
she was done, she called out Chimebuka’s name.
“Ebuka! Ebuka!”
“Yes” she
“You are back.”
She cleaned her hands with the napkin she had brought along from the kitchen.
She noticed
someone entered the house and guessed it was her friend.
“Yes I am back,
but why did you leave me behind in church.” Nonso queried.
“I am sorry; I
noticed you were quite engrossed in your discussion with that Brother.” She was
referring to Chijioke.
you should have waved at me when you were leaving.”
“Don’t mind me.
I apologize.” Ebuka said.
“Not to worry. I
think God is beginning to answer to my request.” Nonso started the gist.
“How do you
“I mean my
prayers about a Life-partner.” Nonso said as she removed her bag from where it
was placed, and sat comfortably.
“Really?” Tell me
some more. Ebuka, who was standing with arms akimbo before, found somewhere to seat
on the small table in the living room very close to Nonso to hear the full
“I think God is
directing me towards Brother Chijioke.” Nonso removed her shoes one after the
other gently.
“Was that what
you guys were discussing after the service? I mean did he propose to you?”
Chimebuka got more interested in the discussion.
“Not at all”
Nonso replied.
“Then what do
you mean?” Ebuka inquired.
“I just have a
knowing in my heart that he is the ONE.” Nonso explained herself.
“Oh, is that
all?” Ebuka who was already engaged to her fiancée three years now, understood
the joy of been loved.
“Yes, I think
God is beginning to open a door for me.”
“Anyway that’s
good, I am happy for you but I think it calls for more prayers instead. If God
has said it, then He will complete it, so go ahead and pray. I don’t want you
to be a victim of costly assumption.”
“Alright then if
you say so. But I know it when God speaks to me.” Chinonso said as she carried
her bag with her shoes and headed for her room.”
They both had
separate rooms in the two bedrooms flat, but they shared the every other part
of the house. They cooked together; they had become sisters after working
together for two years in the bank.
It was two
months since Chinonso received this leading from the Holy Spirit; she had become
Chijioke’s friend from that day on. She asked him for his phone number, but she
did not apply enough wisdom. She called him every week and sent him messages
At first
Chijioke received her hand of friendship warmly, he felt it was because of the
instruction God gave her, but he later stopped enjoying this new friendship he
found himself. He began to think she was trying to impose herself on him. He
thought she was one of the ladies in church that tries to attach themselves to
any available brother because they are quite old enough for marriage and no
brother is forth-coming. He believed if it was God that sent her his way, then
God Almighty would also cause him to like her. Since God was not an author of
confusion. Probably Nonso liked his appearance and out of her outspoken ability
walked up to him.
Chijioke opened
the door to see who it was that knocked severally.
“Who do we have here?”
Chijioke said as he flung the door open.
“Good afternoon
Brother Chijioke.” Nonso said as she stepped in.
“Afternoon Ma.”
Chijioke received his visitor.
Chijioke was a
comfortable bachelor; he worked in a big auditing firm, lived in a three
bedroom apartment and owns his personal car.
He was not
engaged to any lady, he just broke his relationship few months ago, he also wanted a new relationship;
although he feared that a new relationship might bruise his scar. As much as he
wanted to love and be loved, Nonso never struck him as a choice, neither as
God’s will nor His will.
“I thought you
were going to come later in the evening.” Chijioke said as he dropped a tray
before Nonso who was already seated.
“Yea, I planned
to come later in the evening, but since I had something to retrieve in town
this afternoon I decided to come over, so that I can take my rest later in the evening.
“Thank God you
arrived well.” Chijioke said as he
offered her His album.
“Thank you Sir.”
She replied.
They raised
several discussions from their undergraduate days to their working experiences.
Chijioke tried his best to be polite as much as possible.
Nonso raised the
topic that had bothered her for months now stylishly.
Chijioke, you have not even said anything to me about God’s will for you in
Chinonso took
the courage to start off the discussion.
“You mean my
“Yes of course.”
“Well am I
supposed to come to you with her for counseling?”
Nonso felt that
was quite rude. What was he insinuating? Was she intruding into his privacy?
“Anyway I was
just kidding, I am not engaged but I know God will do it in His timing.”
Chijioke added.
Chinonso who
didn’t like the response she received quickly dropped the subject in a godly
“It is well, may
the Lord see us through.”
“I am sorry if I
said anything to offend you, talk to me, what about your fiancé?”
Chijioke was not interested in her profile he wanted to cover up for his
“Oh that? Maybe
some other time, I have to take my leave.” Chinonso stood to her feet as she was ready to
take her leave.
Chinonso knew
God had not yet spoken to Chijioke that she would be his wife, considering the
way he reacted to her question the other day. She knew the way he related with
her didn’t show any sign of interest in her. He never returned her calls; he
scarcely replied her messages too. Nonso was almost giving up, why did God then
said she should walk up to him if He only wanted to make a mockery of her.
Chinonso prayed
some more concerning the situation; she prayed that God would open his eyes to
see her. She prayed against every form of distraction that could prevent him
from noticing her.
Francis sat at
the waiting lounge expecting his Cousin to come and pick him from the airport.
“Here you are.”
Francis said as he sighted Chijioke.
“Why did it take
you so long?” Francis stood to his feet to hug his cousin.
“Mehn, I am
sorry. It’s so good to see you after two years.”
Chijioke said as
he received the warm hug.
Chijioke’s cousin had left Nigeria over two years ago when the company he
worked for had transferred him to their branch in the United States. He had
requested his transfer back to Nigeria because he cherished his homeland.
“So tell me, has
many things changed in Nigeria while I was away?” Francis said as Chijioke
drove the car to his apartment.
“Yes, a lot.”
Chijioke replied in the affirmative.
“Can’t you see
the roads are now better?” Chijioke directed his left hand towards the
glass and held on to the steering with the right hand.
“That’s good; I
can see there have been improvements. I guess your Governors have begun to
travel outside the country more.” Francis said.
“You mean it is
because our Governors now travel overseas and have compared our roads with the
ones they have abroad, that is why we have changes?”
“Yes of course.”
Francis answered.
“Have they not
been travelling before now? I only think they are beginning to bring some
sanity into their governance.” Chijioke said on.
“Anyway how often do you experience power cut?” Francis asked.
“Very well.”
“Then I guess
there are not too many changes.
Chijioke reduced
his speed as he turned into his street.
It’s been six
months since Chinonso received the leading to approach Chijioke, and nothing has
come out of it. She had fasted and prayed for Chijioke to receive her.
“My dear, I know
that God brought Eve to Adam and not Adam to Eve. So I am sure God wouldn’t
have you propose to Brother Chijioke.” Chimebuka said to her friend as she
turned the plantain she was frying.

“Good, did you
say God told you he would be your husband” Ebuka tried to confirm.
“Not exactly,
the Holy Spirit inspired me to walk over to him.”
“Is that all? So
God never said that he was your Life-partner then?” Ebuka said.
“What do you
mean?” Chinonso dropped what she was doing.
“What I mean is
that since God never said that in particular, Chijioke was His will for you then
maybe He is not then. And you should stop waiting for him to propose.”
Ebuka removed
the plantain that was done from the frying pan and turned off the gas cooker,
to let it cool off.
“At least I know
when God is speaking to me. Moreover we did not hear the instruction together.”
Nonso said back.
“Yes I totally
agree that you received the instruction, but you have just told me what the
instruction is, and I have only applied wisdom just to put you on the safer
side. Don’t forget wisdom is profitable to direct.”
Chimebuka took
each one’s plate and served the food.
“Is this food
enough?” She interrupted the discussion.
“Yes please, but
God is not an author of confusion like you always say.”
Ebuka returned
to the discussion.
“Yes, and nobody
is confused here, or are you?” Ebuka handed over her food to her.
“I am not, I
just believed this was what I have been praying about for years, and now that
God was leading me to someone. I believe he is the ONE.”
She placed her
food on a tray and walked to the sitting room.
“The same God
should have led Brother Chijioke to you; maybe God just wanted you both to be
friends.” She suggested.
“Friends? But
God didn’t speak to me before I chose you as a friend.” Nonso answered.
“Don’t tell me
you are attracted to him because he is a rich bachelor. Anyway keep praying
that God would work out his perfect will. I hope you didn’t tell Chijioke that
God led you to him?”
Ebuka opened
their small fridge to bring out two bottles of water for them.
“Yes, I did. Any
problem?” Nonso said.
“You did what?
You shouldn’t have done that, you should have just walked up to him and say hi
and that would be fine. You would still be carrying out God’s instruction that
Ebuka settled
down to her meal.
“Sister Nonso,
meet my cousin.”
introduced Francis to Nonso who stopped to say hi when he noticed Chijioke
standing beside his car after the Sunday service.
“Oh! Good
afternoon Brother.” Nonso said politely.
“Afternoon, I am
Francis.” He stretched his hands for a shake.
“Chinonso” She
replied with a smile.
Chinonso added
almost immediately, in her outspoken manner.
“You were one of
the new comers we had in church today?”
“Yes” he
“Thank you for
coming to church.”
“I will be on my
way now.” Nonso said as she turned to leave.
Francis liked
her almost immediately. He felt an uncommon aura around him. She carried a
fragrance he could not explain.
“I hope you enjoyed
our service today?” Chijioke asked his cousin as they hopped into the car.
“Perfectly, excuse
me, is that the Sister that you said always tried to impose herself on you? He
was referring to Chinonso.
“Who? You mean
that lady?” Chijioke said.
“Yes” Francis
“She is the one;
she has suddenly become my friend for the past six months. I really don’t know
what she wants. She comes to my house and pays me visit even when I don’t
return them.” Chijioke said.
“And is that why
you said she was imposing herself on you? Anyway I don’t see it that way; maybe
she likes you without any ulterior motive you never can say. More over I like
her comportment.” Francis declared.
They discussed
Chinonso as they drove home.
It’s been four
months since Francis arrived from the United States; his likeness for Chinonso
had grown by the day. He always wanted to be in Church early enough to see her.
Nonso noticed
Francis’ attention towards her, but she did not pay too much attention back
since it was Chijioke that God directed her to.
“Chijioke when
did you become as wicked as this?” Francis came visiting his cousin. He had
moved to his own apartment after settling down in the country.
“Please can I
have the direction to her house then, if someone told you today were her
birthday, you should at least call to send your wishes.” Francis said.
“That’s your
business, ‘I will send her a text message when I am free.”
“I will advice
you don’t get unnecessarily attached to this Sister.” Chijioke urged, he was
referring to Chinonso.
“Thank you, I
can take care of myself. But I doubt if I have ever told you I liked a lady like
this before.” Francis said.
“Whatever, just
be careful.” Chijioke said.
“Thank you, no
wonder your last girlfriend jilted you, because you don’t know how to show
care.” Francis said jokingly as he picked his car keys and walked to the door.
“She did not
jilt me; she only broke up with me.” Chijioke raised his voice at his cousin
who was already at the door.
“Look at you,
what difference does it make? Anyway goodbye.”
He shut the
“Come in.” Nonso
said from inside.
“It’s you
Brother Francis, please have your seat.”
“Thank you and happy
birthday.” He said.
“How did you
find your way here, since your cousin did not come with you?” She inquired.
“He gave me the description.”
“Happy birthday
once again.”
It was her
twenty-ninth birthday.
“Please have
this gift from the deepest part of my heart.”
Francis said
after Nonso had offered her a glass of juice. He was happy that no one was around
the living room with them.
Nonso collected
the pack from him with a broad smile, it was not only a pack but it came
alongside a bouquet of flower, and a small decorated box was attached to the flower.
She dropped the
pack on the chair beside her, but she was inquisitive of what was attached to the
flower. She opened the small box right away and was amazed at what she saw.
By the time she
raised her head to ask him what the ring was for; Francis was already on his
Akubueze, I love and admire you a lot, please will you marry me?”
Chinonso did not
know what to say in particular as joy filled her heart, whether to go and pray
about it or not. It was the best birthday gift she received that day.
God was not
where she was looking, rather God showed her the direction HE would come
NB: Characters
in this story and every other ones are not intended to portray any group of
people, they are mere fictions.
Thank you always!